Built on the foundation of pitching fundamentals and fine tuned with the best technology and resources in today’s game.
On average, pitchers SAFELY added 3.8mph on their fastball velocity
For these guys, it was even more
Check it out

Patrick Foulis Gained 8mph

Evan Louie Gained 7mph

Graham Willerer gained 7+mph
What could another 4mph mean for your arsenal?
Where and When?
Days: Monday and Wednesday – 3pm, 4pm or 7pm or Tuesday and Thursday 3pm, 4pm, 6pm, 7pm
You will receive an email regarding picking a time and days after signing up for the program.
This program starts the week of December2, 2024 and ends the week of March 20, 2025.
Program Overview
Joining the winter pitching camp will give you access to a data driven training approach specifically designed to attack your deficiencies as a thrower.
With an emphasis on arm health and throwing preparation, this is the perfect tool to get your arm in the right throwing condition and fire at a higher RPM more consistently.
Conducted in what is designed to be a competitive and collaborative training environment, you will be immersed in small groups of 3-6 pitchers and learn to be each other’s and your own best pitching coaches.

Full body movement screening
A complete assessment designed to weed out your weaknesses as a thrower.
Ramp-up management
The 16 week course puts you on the perfect timeline to be at your best when it matters most in season.
Mechanical Analysis
Your mechanics will be broken down and you will be given drill packages and movement corrective routines to ensure your maximizing velocity and health.
A Data Driven Approach
You will have access to the best tools in the game. From pitch design to arm health monitoring devices, you will be provided the resources to develop an elite arsenal and stay feeling fresh.
Alex Powers
- 10 years of professional baseball experience with the Chicago White Sox, Cincinnati Reds, Arizona Diamondbacks, San Diego Padres, and Detroit Tigers.
- 2019 Minor League Reliever of the Year
- Double A All-Star
- Chicago White Sox draft choice
- Member of the first SNHU World Series team
- 10+ years coaching experience

What is different about this pitching program?
Attention to detail- Every player receives an assessmentand program by our pitching coordinator and built for each player and their individual needs.
What is the coaching style?
No set it and forget it programming- a coach is with every pitcher in the program. The goal is to provide the guard rails to allow for each pitcher to find the cues and solutions that work for them while being guided in the right direction.
Challenging players to become more in tuned with their body and how they move. Our goal is to help as much as we can with the end objective being each player learns to become the best version of their own pitching coach.
What do the players receive?
Detailed programming from warmup – movement prep – plyo throwing routine – throwing – pitching
16 week program runs in 4 phases – Ramp up – Velo phase – blend phase (velo into mound) – mound phase (bullpens and lives)
Arm care tracking via the Armcare app (focus on health and injury prevention)
Pitch tracking via Trackman